Hello I've got an action which gets some data from database and returns a partial view
In the partial view there are ajax.actionLinks which when clicked execute the same ImportShow action but this time with new data; and as you see in the cshtml - then update only the with the new data.
The problem I'm trying to solve is - if a user clicks 'Open in new Window' or 'open in new tab' in the new window you will see loaded only this partial view. And I can't think of a way how to make redirect and reload the whole page only in this cases. (after all the link point to an action method that RETURNS A PARTIAL VIEW).
public virtual ActionResult ImportShow(String id, String menuID, string articlegroupID, int? counter)
GroupMenu p_GroupMenu = new GroupMenu();
p_GroupMenu.MenuHistory = p_GetMenuHistory.ToList();
p_GroupMenu.MenuLeft = p_GetMenuLeft.ToList();
return PartialView("ImportShow", p_GroupMenu);
As model MvcBeaWeb.GroupMenu
<div class="importPartUpdate">
<ul id="products">
if (Model != null)
foreach (MvcBeaDAL.WebServiceBeaMenu item in Model.MenuLeft)
<li id="@item.ID">
<div class="imageTilesShow">
<a title= @item.SpecialWord>
<img src="@item.ImageFile" alt='@item.SpecialWord)' id="ImageProducts" class="imageTilesShow">
@Ajax.ActionLink(@item.SpecialWord, "ImportShow", new { id = Model.LanguageName,[email protected]},new AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetId = "importPartUpdate", HttpMethod = "GET", InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace })