
The application works in dev and test and a custom environment, but it does not work in production mode. I have tried all solutions I could find online, but couldn't solve the problem. The project is not so small and it stopped worked recently.

-Bundles are loaded fine in AppKernel

-Routing debug display all routes fine in production

-In app.php: $kernel = new AppKernel('prod', true);

-I have cleared cache and warmed it up. If I load without cache, it generated the prod cache fine.

-If I try to access any route, even an non-existing one, I get a blank page, so it looks like the routes are not being checked.

-No logs are written for production environment, also apache does not log anything. (logs work in other environments by monolog.)

I am using Symfony 2.4.5

Someone can help me here?

What does the error.log say?Bartek
No logs are created for production environment, not even apache shows any logs.tomazahlin
Did you modify the original app.php file?Bartek
I have not modified the app.php in any way, it is the same as original. (only tried changing debug to true/false)tomazahlin
If there's no logs it's hard to say what might went wrong. Maybe APC is the problem? Have you tried to clear APC or restart apache?Bartek

2 Answers


This actually points to a FATAL php error. But, as expected, you production server has display_error = Off.

It is hover weird that apache does not produce any errors in log file :-/ Inspect your web directory - maybe you'll find the php_error file there containing some details?


Just remembered, thanks to the comments mentioning the APC. Similar thing used to happen to me beacause I had APC enabled in app but my dev box did not have APC installed/enabled


did you give full permission to app/log and app/cache folders?

sudo chmod -R 777 app/cache app/logs