
suppose we want to match all one(s) between <out>...</out> in this text (option: dot matches all):

<nx1>home one</nx1>
<out>one text
text one continues 
and at last here ends one</out>
<m2>dog one</m2>

let's say we use this pattern:


I really appreciate it if someone explains how regex engine process that pattern step-by-step and where it would be(position in the original text) in every phase of processing;(something like accepted @Tim Pietzcker's helpful explanation for this question: Regex - lookahead assertion)

The provided pattern will not match all one(s) between out tags. eg. the third line which contains multiple one(s)Dhrubajyoti Gogoi

2 Answers


Many tools exist to automatically explain what your regex does, character by character.

The idea behind it, though, is that you want to check one is followed by </out> while forbidding to enter a new out tag: if there's a ...</out> following and we haven't entered a new <out>...</out> structure, we know we are inside one already.

So the regex will match one if it is followed by </out> and if there's no <out> between the two.

The work is done by (?:(?!<out>).)*: the . matches only if it is not the first < in <out>. So we can go up to </out> only by consuming characters that are not this < followed by out>.

A speed improvement would be:


Stepping inside the negative lookahead at each character greatly increases the cost of matching this character. Here [^<]*+ will match directly up to the next suspicious <, and we perform the negative look ahead check only when we have to.


Here's the explanation taken from here:

NODE                     EXPLANATION
  one                      'one'
  (?=                      look ahead to see if there is:
    (?:                      group, but do not capture (0 or more
                             times (matching the most amount
      (?!                      look ahead to see if there is not:
        <out>                    '<out>'
      )                        end of look-ahead
      .                        any character except \n
    )*                       end of grouping
    </out>                   '</out>'
  )                        end of look-ahead