
I'm developping an android game in witch I connect to facebook . If the user is connected , he can invite 5 of his facebook to the application. I used this code. The problem that in the script InteractiveConsole.cs I want when the user click on button of invite , he can invite only 5 of his friends, when he choose 5 friends , he can't invite more than 5. Here is my code:

#region FB.AppRequest() Friend Selector

public string FriendSelectorTitle = "";
public string FriendSelectorMessage = "Derp";
public string FriendSelectorFilters = "[\"all\",\"app_users\",\"app_non_users\"]";
public string FriendSelectorData = "{}";
public string FriendSelectorExcludeIds = "";
public string FriendSelectorMax = "";

private void CallAppRequestAsFriendSelector()
    // If there's a Max Recipients specified, include it
    int? maxRecipients = null;
    if (FriendSelectorMax != "")
            maxRecipients = Int32.Parse(FriendSelectorMax);
        catch (Exception e)
            status = e.Message;

    // include the exclude ids
    string[] excludeIds = (FriendSelectorExcludeIds == "") ? null : FriendSelectorExcludeIds.Split(',');


Thanks for your help.

Can you share with us the result you are getting? or the problem?Gaston Claret
@Gaston Claret:Hi,the problem that i can select and invite more than 5 friends from my facebook friends. The problem that i want to select only 5 friends of my facebook list.user3655933
There might be a max cap of 5 friends on android for your app.Brian Jew

1 Answers


I Found out why it's not working. First to limit the numbers of friends invited to 5 in my application , i should change this:

public string FriendSelectorMax = "5";

i cheked again the documententation and it say this.

"maxRecipients : Platform-dependent The maximum number of recipients the user should be able to choose in the platform multi-friend selector dialog. Only guaranteed to work in Unity Web Player applications."

Here is the link : https://developers.facebook.com/docs/unity/reference/current/FB.Apprequest

the think is that maxRecipients is working in WebPlayer and not for android until now.

I tested the code in unity web player and i can invite only 5 friends and when i switch the platform to android, it's not working as they said in the documentation.