I'm working on building some topic models in R using the 'topicmodels' package. After pre-processing and creating a document term matrix, I am applying the following LDA Gibbs model. This may be a simple answer but I'm a newbie to R so here it goes. Is there a way that I can export the topics and term lists along with their probabilities to a text file or excel file? I can print them in R (as below), but don't know how to export :(
This is mainly so I can do some visualisation, which I'm sure can be done in Excel, but like I mentioned I'm a newbie and don't have too much available to learn visualisation techniques in R. Hope this makes sense
k = 33
burnin = 1000
iter = 1000
keep = 50
seed = 2003
model_lda <- LDA(myDtm, k = k, method = "Gibbs",control = list(seed = seed, burnin = burnin, iter = iter, keep = keep))
save(model_lda, file = "LDA_Output.RData")
topics(model_lda, 5)
terms(model_lda, 15)
Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4 Topic 5 Topic 6 Topic 7
[1,] "seat" "dialogu" "websit" "census" "northern" "growth" "hse"
[2,] "resum" "church" "partnership" "disabl" "univers" "adjust" "legisl"
[3,] "suspend" "congreg" "nesc" "cso" "peac" "forecast" "die"
[4,] "adjourn" "school" "site" "statist" "unemploy" "bernard" "legal"
[5,] "fisheri" "survivor" "nesf" "survey" "polic" "burton" "child"
. If you just have simple vectorscat
can also be useful. Perhaps you could be a bit more explicit about the output format you need. – MrFlick