
I want to create a chat application in Titanium appcelerator using Strophe.js library. I have gone through strophe js libraries and their documents as well. I believe we can use strophe.js to build xmpp based chat app in web.

Thanks in advance, Can anyone please clarify the following doubts,

  • Is it possible to use strophe js inside our Titanium Appcelerator,If yes please suggest me how to use it. I tried to include the strophe js inside the titanium it shows can't find module error

Here's the code i tried with.

connection.register.connect("localhost:5280", callback, wait, hold);
var callback = function (status) {
    if (status === Strophe.Status.REGISTER) {
        connection.register.fields.username = "newuser";
        connection.register.fields.password = "123456";
    } else if (status ===  Strophe.Status.REGISTERED) {
    } else if (status ===  Strophe.Status.CONNECTED) {
        console.log("logged in!");
    } else {
        // every other status a connection.connect would receive
  • Can you please suggest to use any other libraries that can be used inside the Titanium Appceleartor to build chat application using XMPP
Could you provide code example presenting how have you tried to include strophe.js inside Titanium?daniula
Thanks for your response @daniula. I updated the code that i tried to register a new user.Prabhu

1 Answers


Looks like Strophe is created to be used inside browser and modifying it to work inside Titanium is rather risky.

The only XMPP module for Titanium, which I could find is titanium-xmpp on GitHub.