
while Installing IBM Worklight V6.1.0 for Eclipse Java EE 4.2.2 ("Juno" SR2) and Eclipse Java EE 4.3.1 ("Kepler" SR1), I am getting Errors

Unable to read repository at http://public.dhe.ibm.com/ibmdl/export/pub/software/mobile-solutions/worklight/wdeupdate/content.xml.

Can any one Help me.

Where do you try to install? Windows? Mac? Linux? Did you try in all three and it failed in all three?Idan Adar
I tried to Install on Windows Server 2008 and Linux RHEL 6 Machines, But in these two Machines it's not Supporting to Install IBM Worklight 6.1.Vamsi konanki

1 Answers


I just tried installing Worklight from Eclipse Marketplace, using a clean Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers, 4.3.1. I am on Windows 7. It installed successfully.

Also see similar SO post.