I've created a neo4j database embedded into my java application. Creating nodes, relationships, properties and querying all of them looks fine, but now I want to visualize the database just to check if everything is okay. So I tried to load the test.db inside my neo4j-Server edition (running on the same machine), but however I get all the time the following error:
Starting Neo4j Server failed: Error starting org.neo4j.kernel.EmbeddedGraphDatabase, C:\Users\user\workspace\neo4j_emb_test\target\test.db
Don't know what's going wrong here. Does anybody has suggestions?
Thanks in advance ! Julian
Checking the logs returned following results:
2014-05-26 14:56:30.988+0000 ERROR [o.n.k.EmbeddedGraphDatabase]: Startup failed: Component 'org.neo4j.kernel.impl.transaction.XaDataSourceManager@7f180826' was successfully initialized, but failed to start. Please see attached cause exception.: Component 'org.neo4j.kernel.impl.nioneo.xa.NeoStoreXaDataSource@71fc9ad0' was successfully initialized, but failed to start. Please see attached cause exception.: 'neostore' has a store version number that we cannot upgrade from. Expected 'NeoStore v0.A.0' but file is version 'NeoStore v0.A.3'. 2014-05-26 14:56:30.988+0000 INFO [o.n.k.EmbeddedGraphDatabase]: Shutdown started