
I have handler that extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler. I use it for handling websocket frames. What is the best way to detect that connection was closed from client side (for browser closed or network connection crashed)? I see there are two methods in ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter: channelUnregistered and channelInactive. Can I use its for detectiong channel closing?


3 Answers


You should use channelInactive() which is triggered when a channel cannot perform communication anymore. channelUnregistered() has different meaning although channelUnregistered() is always triggered after channelInactive().


channelUnregistered() is also called in case of an unsuccessful connection attempt. So channelInactive() seems to be the better choice to listen to connection closed events.

I just saw this when implementing a reconnection strategy, where a closed connection would trigger a reconnect. channelUnregistered() was my first choice and obviously wrong, because it would re-trigger a reconnect after each reconnect, endlessly.

Btw: I also tested with websocket connections.


with netty 4 i use channelUnregistered

maybe you are worried about the warning on the log, i solved it changing the log level because it is already handled by the method but always appear

<logger name="io.netty" additivity="false">
    <level value="ERROR" />
    <appender-ref ref="console" />