Hello there and thank you with your help!
I am trying to make universal data buffer for multiple data type (char, int, float,...whatever) and I would like to know how access specific address with pointer to buffer and specific position.
Let me explain it on example:
1.) Let's say that I would like to save to buffer 4 variables (int, int, char, float)
2.) so, size of this buffer is: int size = sizeof(int)*2 + sizeof(char) + sizeof(float)
3.) so, buffer: void* buffer = malloc(size);
4.) Right now, I have allocate buffer and I would like to write some float variable to specific position - which is buffer + (sizeof(int)*2 + sizeof(char) ) right? How to do that and if is it possible...
I have solution that I will write data how they are specified and its working, but I would like to jump on what ever position (of course, when I know, where exactly (address) some variable is in buffer)
So something like that works to me:
int* val1 = (int*) buffer;
*val1 = 1;
buffer = val1+1; //move pointer behind first position (+ sizeof(int))
int* val2 = (int*) buffer;
*val2 = 2;
buffer = val2+1; //move pointer behind second position (+ sizeof(int))
char* val3 = (char*) buffer;
*val3 = 'a';
buffer = val+1; //move pointer behind third position (+ sizeof(char))
float* val4 = (float*) buffer;
*val4 = 11.4;
--> All data are saved in the buffer corectly
But I am more interesting, if is possible (and how) to jump and write first float on 4th position (dont forget that before is int, int, char)
Because I can't use something like:
float* val4 = (float*) buffer + 4; // value 4 has address buffer + sizeof(float)*4 and I need address buffer + sizeof(int)*2 + sizeof(char)
Sorry for this slow explanation, but I wanna be sure, that it's really obvious what I need to solve. Thank you very much for your help!
p.s: I have in my head just one solution with (char*) buffer (because on every platform should be sizeof(char) == 1 ....but I am not sure, if this is really save option)
so after:
char* pointerOnVal4 = (char*) buffer + sizeof(int)*2 + sizeof(char);
float* val4 = (float*) pointerOnFloat;`
), but by the looks of it, it appears that what you really need is provided byunion
. Read up on those features. – Euro Micelli