The good news is that we can find out all sorts of things about bezier curves. There are several shape interrogation techinques (works fairly well for curves of lower degree, and cubic is on the lower side :)).
S shaped cubic bezier curve
First, an S shaped cubic bezier curve, has an inflection point. Inflection points are points on the curve where the concavity changes to convexity or the other way around.
This also means that at Inflection points, curvature of the curve is zero (Well, if any curve has to change from concave to convex, there has to be some place in between where the curve is straight —just look at "S").
The Equation for curvature of a parametric curve is

We can ask Mathematica to simplify this, so that we can do some quick tests.

Here is some Javascript code (using paper.js library) which does the same thing:
// Method1 - Find inflection points
function hasInflection(p0x, p0y, p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, p3x, p3y){
var CURV_EPSILON = 1e-3;
var e2 = 1 + CURV_EPSILON;
var roots = [], a, b, c;
// Solve for Numerator[k] == 0
// Where, Curvature k = (dx d^2y - d^2x dy) / (dx^2 - dy^2)^(3/2)
// Coefficients from Mathematica
a = -p1x*p0y + 2*p2x*p0y - p3x*p0y + p0x*p1y - 3*p2x*p1y + 2*p3x*p1y - 2*p0x*p2y + 3*p1x*p2y - p3x*p2y + p0x*p3y - 2*p1x*p3y + p2x*p3y;
b = (2*p1x*p0y - 3*p2x*p0y + p3x*p0y - 2*p0x*p1y + 3*p2x*p1y - p3x*p1y + 3*p0x*p2y - 3*p1x*p2y - p0x*p3y + p1x*p3y);
c = (-p1x*p0y + p2x*p0y + p0x*p1y - p2x*p1y - p0x*p2y + p1x*p2y);
// Use any method to solve the quadratic equation (a x^2 + b x + c = 0)
Numerical.solveQuadratic(a, b, c, roots, 0, 1);
// Find the root where, the curve changes from concave to convex
for (i = 0, l = roots.length; i < l; ++i) {
r = roots[i];
if( r > -CURV_EPSILON && r < e2 ){
// Here we basically evaluate the signed normals and look if they are of different signs
if( Curve.evaluate(v,r-CURV_EPSILON,3) * Curve.evaluate(v,r+CURV_EPSILON,3) < 0 )
return true;
return false;
Or see the complete example here
Curves where, more than a single Y value for any X
From your question, I think there is room for a better definition of what exactly is that you want.
The condition of more than a Y value for any X (or vice versa) can occur even if the curve is not S shaped —the curvature never changes sign.

The same is true even if the curve does not self-intersect. So that is probably not a good good test for what you are looking for.
If you need curves that are monotone in X and Y direction —that is, the X and Y value are either decreasing or increasing monotonically along the length of the curve; you can solve the derivative of the cubic equation instead (in both X and Y).