I'm trying to create a chart who's yAxis is designed to show number of employee number, so it must only show whole numbers.
But I found it's not that easy as I already tried to yAxis.setTickUnit(1) but it won't work when the values are small(etc. the max value is 3, it'll still show 0.5,1.5..., I only want tick value like 1,2,3,4..)
How Could I to achieve this?
According to @jewelsea 's answer, I tried this(In javafx 2.2 jdk7)
class IntegerStringConverter extends StringConverter<Number>{
public IntegerStringConverter() {
public String toString(Number object) {
return "";
return ""+(object.intValue());
public Number fromString(String string) {
Number val = Double.parseDouble(string);
return val.intValue();
It's result is kind of acceptable. Double value's are gone, but there ticks are still there.
. Worked for me. – Brad Turek