I am having a problem with simulink. Basically if I have the following system:
A = [-1 5; 0 -3]
B = [0; 1]
C = [1 0]
D = 0
And I do sys = ss(A,B,C,D) and get stepinfo(sys) this is the result:
ans =
RiseTime: 2.3911
SettlingTime: 4.3175
SettlingMin: 1.5042
SettlingMax: 1.6658
Overshoot: 0
Undershoot: 0
Peak: 1.6658
PeakTime: 7.9516
When I grab simulink and do the following model:
With A , B , C , D values in the state-space block, and then export the model as follows:
Double click the scope, Paramesters->History->Save data to workspace->Format:Array
And do, from matlab, stepinfo(ScopeData(:,2)) this is what it comes up with:
ans =
RiseTime: 11.6058
SettlingTime: 28.3085
SettlingMin: 1.2181
SettlingMax: 1.3331
Overshoot: 0
Undershoot: 0
Peak: 1.3331
PeakTime: 54
Why are the parameters different? What am I doing wrong?