I am trying to compile pjsip source code for iphone.
My problem is when i compile this code for simulator ./configure- iphone works fine and i get Done configuring for iPhoneOS7.1.sdk.
but when i run make dep command i get error
echo '../bin/pjlib-test-arm-apple-darwin9: ../lib/libpj-arm-apple-darwin9.a' >> .pjlib-test-arm-apple-darwin9.depend /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/make -f /Users/SureshBK/desktop/pjproject/build/rules.mak APP=PJLIB_UTIL app=pjlib-util depend .pjlib-util-arm-apple-darwin9.depend:709: * missing separator. Stop. make[1]: * [depend] Error 2 make: * [dep] Error 1.
Please help me how to solve this error. i am using mac 10.9 and iPhone sdk 7.1