I just started using notepad++ to edit SAS codes and found my current userDefineLang_SAS.xml configuration cannot properly fold SAS code blocks from "proc" to "run".
Here is my sample code in notepad++:
1 /*sample code*/
2 proc sort data=orion.usorders04
3 out=work.sort_usorders04;
4 by Customer_ID Order_Type;
5 run;
7 data discount1 discount2 discount3;
8 set work.sort_usorders04;
9 by customer_id order_type;
10 if first.order_type = 1 then totalsales=0;
11 totalsales + total_retail_price;
12 if last.order_type =1 and totalsales >= 100 then
13 do;
14 if order_type = 1 then output discount1;
15 if order_type = 2 then output discount2;
16 if order_type = 3 then output discount3;
17 end;
18 keep customer_id customer_name totalsales;
19 format totalsales dollar11.2;
20 run;
As what I have expected, I hope that line 2 to line 5 will be folded together. However it doesn't fold as I expected and instead line 2 to line 20 are folded together. See the example image in this link:
Interestingly, if I take out "data=" in the proc sort code, line 2 to line 5 can be folded together. See example image using this link:
Since in the .xml file, both "data" and "proc" are specified as the opening keywords to fold a code block, it confuses notepad++ when both proc & data are shown in the proc sort code. I have been trying many ways to adjust the configuration in the .xml file, but all doesn't work. If you have a way to figure this out please let me know. Thanks!
from a folding keyword to a regular keyword. – Alex A.