
I changed the scope of the Magento price attribute to Website in order to have different prices for different websites. As I try to update products from magmi, magmi doesn't update the prices for the websites but only the default price so the prices of all websites and storeview are always the default Website/Storeview price.

How can I solve this problem.


2 Answers


I think you could use store column for this. Then just create a CSV with the columns store, sku and price like this:

store; sku; price
store_code_1; SKU_001; 10
store_code_2; SKU_001, 55
store_code_1; SKU_002; 20
store_code_2; SKU_002, 110

I found solution, first you need make a CSV file with top cells:

sku, _store, price

Then fill date for expl:

0001, uk, 0.99
    , de, 0.89

    , uk, 0.99

    , de, 0.77 

ETC. After we make the CSV, just import with standard magento importer.

The price scope is per website, I really don't know why it works when importing per store.

I tried do it with ~400 products on more than 10 store views, and it works.