I am using MSMQ 4 with WCF. We have a Microsoft Dynamics plugin putting a message on an queue. A service picks up the message and makes an HTTP request to another web server. The web server responds by putting another message on a different queue. A second service picks up the messages and sends the response back to Dynamics...
We have our retry queue set up to retry 3 times and then wait for 5 minutes before retrying again. The Dynamics system some times takes so long (due to other plugins) that we can round-trip before the database transaction commits. The user's aren't seeing the update come through for another 5 minutes.
I am curious if there is a way to configure the retry mechanism to retry incrementally. So, the first time it fails, it only waits a few seconds. If it fails a second time, it waits twice that. And the time between retries just keeps growing.
The problem with just reducing the time between retries is that a bad message could easily fill up a log file.