I need some help with ant. I have a target where I loop over a fileset using foreach from ant-contrib. I call another target(lets call it doStuff) for each of iteration of the loop.
The output of doStuff is something that I would like to store in a file. I would like the files to have unique names and I thought that an integer that gets incremented with every loop would suit me well.
I tried many variations of the code below and had no success. I have probably not understod and yet. It seems to work with immutable properties, making the targets stateless. While I do enjoy that, it doesn't help me with my current problem.
Is there any way to set the myInt in the first target and keep the 'state', increment it with every loop and pass it on to the next target?
<var name="myInt" unset="true"/>
<var name="myInt" value="0"/>
<target name="default">
<foreach target="doStuff" param="theFile">
<fileset dir="" casesensitive="yes">
<depth max="0"/>
<target name="doStuff" description="Make output directories and run the MXUnit task">
<var name="op1" value="${myInt}"/>
<var name="op2" value="1"/>
<var name="op" value="+"/>
<math result="result" operand1="${op1}" operation="${op}" operand2="${op2}" datatype="int"/>
<var name="myInt" unset="true"/>
<var name="myInt" value="${result}"/>
<!-- Here I save the file with the name ${result}-->