Following this RequireJS example I'm trying to have a single file for all vendor js assets like jquery and foundation, whilst loading page specific code in other modules.
While I can build and copy the js successfully (using grunt requirejs optimiser) into a build
folder, the baseUrl in the require.config
is obviously now wrong.
baseUrl: 'js'
points to public/js
instead of public/build/js
and so all paths are incorrect.
Is there a way of dynamically updating the baseUrl
when running the optimiser? So it points to public/build/js
Here's my grunt task:
requirejs: {
dist: {
options: {
baseUrl: '<%=pkg.paths.js%>',
mainConfigFile: '<%=pkg.paths.js%>main.js',
optimize: 'none',
removeCombined: true,
uglify2: {
no_mangle: true,
compress: {
drop_console: true
modules: [
name: 'vendorCommon'
name: 'dashboard',
exclude: ['vendorCommon']
Vendor Common
define(['jquery', 'foundation'],
function () {
//Just an empty function, this is a place holder
//module that will be optimized to include the
//common depenendencies listed in this module's dependency array.
Require Config
baseUrl: '/js',
priority: ['vendorCommon'],
paths: {
shim: {
'foundation': ['jquery']