
I am developing an application with Ruby on Rails (4.1) and I use the Globalize gem (version 4.0.1) to store various translations of my data. The problem is that when I use the "globalize_fields_for" method of simple_form in order to generate the form fields for the various locales, I get the following error:

undefined method `globalize_fields_for' for #<SimpleForm::FormBuilder:0x00000106824928>

Here is my view (haml):

h3.title New Static Page

= simple_form_for [:admin, @static_page] do |f|
  %dl.tabs{ "data-tab" => "" }
    - @locales.each_with_index do |lang, index|
      - klass = index == 0 ? 'active' : ''
      %dd{ class: klass }= link_to t("admin.languages.#{lang}"), "#panel2-#{index + 1}", class: "#{lang} flag"
    - @locales.each_with_index do |lang, index|
      - klass2 = index == 0 ? 'active' : ''
      .content{ class: klass2, id: "panel2-#{index + 1}"}
        = f.globalize_fields_for lang.to_sym do |g|
          = g.input :title, label: "Title"
          = g.cktext_area :body, rows: 15, class: 'ckeditor'

    = f.button :submit, t('admin.buttons.submit'), class: 'new-submission'

the "@locales" variable has my locales (['el', 'en', 'ru'].

My model is as follows:

class StaticPage < ActiveRecord::Base

  extend FriendlyId
  friendly_id :title, use: [:slugged, :history]

  # Validations

  validates :title, presence: true, length: { maximum: 100 }
  validates_presence_of :body

  # Associations
  translates :title, :body
  has_many :translations
  accepts_nested_attributes_for :translations

If I use the "simple_fields_for" helper, then I get an error that says that I have undefined attribute "el" (or any other of the locales that I have created) which is valid as there is none declared in my model.

I am stuck for a couple of hours on this so any help/suggestion will be appreciated :)


1 Answers


You can use gem globalize3_helpers. Use helper globalize_fields_for_locales [:en, :ru, :el]