A TYPO3 beginner here with basic knowledge of TypoScript. I have got an existing TYPO3 website at www.example-long-name.com, which automatically redirects to www.example-long-name.com/fr.
Somebody created a new domain with a shorter, more practical name www.example.com, and this new domain has only one purpose: redirect to www.example-long-name.com root page.
The problem is: some script automatically adds "/fr" and the redirection ends up with www.example.com/fr in the URL bar, which drops the www.example-long-name.com 404 error.
I don't have access to www.example.com domain control panel, but the hosting company tells me their config is OK, and the error comes from TYPO3 configuration.
Is it possible to correct this in the TYPO3 backend (realurl) or in .htaccess? Where should I proceed ?
EDIT: TYPO3 version: 4.5.30