My Android app (Api level 12, Android 3.1) has an activity with many menu items. Some items are on the action bar (showAsAction="always") while other ones are normal menu items (showAsAction="never") including a submenu: normal menu items have never to be displayed on the action bar, yet they are more than 6 in number so the "more" button also appears when I tap the menu button.
I tested the app on various virtual devices in the emulator and I see that the menu is correctly displayed on all devices except the smartphone (Android 3.1) where I get the action bar items and, if I tap the menu button, some of the normal items displayed along with the "more" button; but when I tap the "more" button nothing happens and the further menu items are not displayed.
Is this an issue of the emulator or my app will behave similarly on real smartphone devices?