How to add Monotouch.AVFoundation
Framework linking in Xamarin.ios project? Please can anyone tell me in detail? I need this because I am using Emgu.CV.Monotouch.dll
which is giving errors as
MT5210: Native linking failed, undefined symbol: _AVCaptureSessionPresetMedium. Please verify that all the necessary frameworks have been referenced and native libraries are properly linked in.
Error MT5211: Native linking failed, undefined Objective-C class: _OBJC_CLASS_$_AVAssetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptor. If '_OBJC_CLASS_$_AVAssetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptor' is a protocol from a third-party binding, please check that it has the [Protocol] attribute in its api definition file, otherwise verify that all the necessary frameworks have been referenced and native libraries are properly linked in. (MT5211)