
I have an azure web job running continuously, but the logs indicated that over the weekend it's status changed to Aborted, then Stopped. Although I did not use the website for the weekend, I am not sure why this would happen as there are still a lot of messages on the queue that need to be processed.

What can cause a continuous web job to stop or abort? Does it have a timeout period? Can the occurrence of multiple errors also cause it to stop or abort?

Which service is executing your "web job"? An azure web site?Joachim Isaksson
@JoachimIsaksson yes a websiteKeisha W

1 Answers


The job itself doesn't have a timeout period but the website does. Unless you enable the Always On option, the website (and the jobs) will unload after some idle time.

Another reason why a continuous job could stop is if you are running on the free tier and the job uses too much CPU time (I think you have 2.5 minutes CPU time for every 5 minutes).