
googleapiclient.errors.HttpError: https://www.googleapis.com/bigquery/v2/projects/674064471933/datasets/vibetraceLIVE/tables/51c01e03ed14d94e30000003_events/insertAll?alt=json returned "Exceeded rate limits: too many inserted rows per table for this table">

403: Exceeded rate limits: too many inserted rows per table for this table

I haven't found this error anywhere on the web. What limit am i crossing?


1 Answers


See https://developers.google.com/bigquery/streaming-data-into-bigquery, specifically:

Maximum rows per second: 10,000 rows per second, per table.

Exceeding this amount will cause quota_exceeded errors. For additional support up to 100,000 rows per second, per table, please contact a sales representative.

Are you trying to insert more than 10,000 rps? To approve a higher quota, contact https://cloud.google.com/contact/.