Is it possible to navigate to some page by hash and then do some logic and redirect back without rendering new page/module but REFRESH the one, where I was navigating from?
Actually what I want is to do some logic and refresh the same page without showing splash screen.
For example i have simple HTML link:
<a class="language-link" href="#language/en-US">
In language.js i have simple code which is getting data in "activate" function:
define(['plugins/router', 'jquery'], function (router, $) {
return {
activate: function (culture) {
return $.post("api/language", { '': culture }, function () {
}).then(function () { return false; });
viewUrl: 'settings/loading'
}; });
Buty my problem is, that for a short period of time, loading.html from viewUrl property is showing up. Right after that I'm going back to previous page.
I want to prevent loading.html page from rendering. How to do that? I'm travelling through the Durandal documentacion and searching in google, but cannot find anything helpfull.
.then(function () { return false; });
The code above was my try to return false from activate function and prevent page from rendering, but does not work :(
I want to prevent settings/loading from rendering and REFRESH previous page where I was navigating from.