
I've just tried to implement absolute function in Prolog and I've got some strange behavior. My code was:

absval(X, RESULT) :- X >= 0, RESULT is X.
absval(X, RESULT) :- X < 0, RESULT is -X.

And when I try in SWI-Prolog absval(-2,X). I get

X = 2


as expected. But otherwise when I invoke absval(2,X), I get X = 2 ? and I should insert another input. After pressing enter I get also yes.

What does mean the second one result? What's wrong with my solution?

The behavior you encounter can be explained by the fact that your program is not deterministic. There are two rules for absval/2. So, after Prolog satisfies absval(2,X) using the first rule, it backtracks in order to resatisfy the goal. The first subgoal (X < 0) of the second rule will fail and you will not get a second solution. In order to have a deterministic behavior, add a cut operator after X>=0 like this: absval(X, RESULT) :- X >= 0, !, RESULT is X..Tudor Berariu

2 Answers


what you report doesn't match the behaviour I get here:

?- absval(2,X).
X = 2 ;

that's actually what is expected.

If you need to make it deterministic, use a cut, or better, the 'if/then/else' construct:

absval(X, RESULT) :- X >= 0 -> RESULT is X ; RESULT is -X.

A deterministic version using a single clause without cuts of if-then-else constructs:

absolute_value(Value, AbsoluteValue) :-
    AbsoluteValue is sign(Value) * Value.

Note that sign/1 is a standard built-in arithmetic function.