I am doing a real-time people detection using HOG-LBP descriptor and using a sliding window approach for the detector also LibSVM for the classifier. However, after classifier I never get multiple detected people, sometimes is only 1 or might be none. I guess I have a problem on my classification step. Here is my code on classification:
label = ones(length(featureVector),1);
P = cell2mat(featureVector);
% each row of P' correspond to a window
% classifying each window
[~, predictions] = svmclassify(P', label,model);
% set the threshold for getting multiple detection
% the threshold value is 0.7
get_detect = predictions.*[predictions>0.6];
% the the value after sorted
[r,c,v]= find(get_detect);
%% Creating the bounding box for detection
for ix=1:length(r)
rects{ix}= boxPoint{r(ix)};
if (isempty(rects))
rects2 = cv.groupRectangles(rects,3,'EPS',0.35);
for i = 1:numel(rects2)
rectangle('Position',[rects2{i}(1),rects2{i}(2),64,128], 'LineWidth',2,'EdgeColor','y');
For the whole my code, I have posted here : [HOG with SVM] (sliding window technique for multiple people detection)
I really need a help for it. Thx.
. Even until I set thethreshold
, the output of predictions are still in features values not 0. The one that I might confused is only the bounding box, I guess my method to create the bounding box is not correct. Because it doesnt show me any detected people. Could you help me how to set bounding box from classied data? Thx. @phyrox – Indrasyach