
I have installed a set of Scala plugins for netbeans, specifically:

Scala {Console, Project, Runtime Library, Platform, Platform Standard, Editor, Debugger Projects Integration, Refactoring, Debugger, Core} and Rats! Packrat Parser. I have also installed scala via the ubuntu aptitude package manager.

When I go to Tools->Scala Platform Manager, I see "Scala 1.1 (Default)" in red, with the error: "Error: The specified folder does not contain a Scala platform." I don't know how to correctly specify this. I googled a bit, and it seems most people have compiled scala by hand, so they can specify their specific scala install directory.

which scala returns /usr/bin/scala, which I have tried in the Platform Folder option (as well as /usr/bin/).

The netbeans version is 7.0.1 and my scala version is "Scala code runner version 2.9.2 -- Copyright 2002-2011, LAMP/EPFL". I'm running Ubuntu 14.04.

Anyone know how to set Netbeans up to be happy with an aptitude installed Scala?


4 Answers


I have not tried from aptitude, but it seems that you have not installed the scala plugin for Netbeans.

You should follow the instructions in https://github.com/dcaoyuan/nbscala

In particular beware to add the nbsbt plugin to your project definition, and run sbt. After that, start Netbeans, it should recognise you project.


I had the same error when I was trying to use Scala with netbeans: "Error: The specified folder does not contain a Scala platform.". Solution is very easy, check it here: netbeans 7.1.2, scala 2.9.1-1,nbscala-7.1v2.9.x-0.1.zip

  1. Project Properties : change Source/Binary Format to JDK 7
  2. build-impl.xml : remove '-make:transitive' option in 'scalac addparams'
  3. run Main Project

As explain by Geertjan:

You can specify the scala platform by updating the netbeans_default_options in etc/netbeans.conf adding the following system property -J-Dscala.home pointing to you scala home directory, example:

netbeans_default_options="--laf Nimbus -J-Dscala.home=/home/geertjan/scala/scala-2.10.2 -J-client -J-Xss2m -J-Xms32m -J-XX:PermSize=32m -J-Dapple.laf.useScreenMenuBar=true -J-Dapple.awt.graphics.UseQuartz=true -J-Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true -J-Dsun.java2d.dpiaware=true -J-Dsun.zip.disableMemoryMapping=true"

It works for me.

Source: https://blogs.oracle.com/geertjan/entry/10_steps_to_happiness_with