
I have to a large xml in the below format.

<Second Argument="12" Argument2="34" >
    <Order InvOrg="123" Identifier="3580456" >
                <SupplyDetails Type="TRACK" Quantity="7" Demand="ONHAND" />
    <Order InvOrg="Test" Identifier="3580457" >
                <SupplyDetails Type="TRACK" Quantity="15" Demand="ONHAND" />
    <Order InvOrg="123" Identifier="3580458" >
                <SupplyDetails Type="TRACK" Quantity="17" Demand="ONHAND" />
    <Order InvOrg="123" Identifier="3580459" >
                <SupplyDetails Type="TRACK" Quantity="10" Demand="ONHAND" />
    <Order InvOrg="123" Identifier="2888144" >
                <SupplyDetails Type="TRACK" Quantity="3" Demand="ONHAND" />
    <Order InvOrg="123" Identifier="2888147" >
                <SupplyDetails Type="TRACK" Quantity="9" Demand="ONHAND" />
    <Order InvOrg="123" Identifier="2749622" >
                <SupplyDetails Type="TRACK" Quantity="142" Demand="ONHAND" />

I need to convert it into the below format

<Second Argument="12" Argument2="34" >
    <Order InvOrg="123" Identifier="3580456" >
                <SupplyDetails Type="TRACK" Quantity="7" Demand="ONHAND" />
    <Order InvOrg="Test" Identifier="3580457" >
                <SupplyDetails Type="TRACK" Quantity="15" Demand="ONHAND" />
    <Order InvOrg="123" Identifier="3580458" >
                <SupplyDetails Type="TRACK" Quantity="17" Demand="ONHAND" />
<Second Argument="12" Argument2="34" >
    <Order InvOrg="123" Identifier="3580459" >
                <SupplyDetails Type="TRACK" Quantity="10" Demand="ONHAND" />
    <Order InvOrg="123" Identifier="2888144" >
                <SupplyDetails Type="TRACK" Quantity="3" Demand="ONHAND" />
    <Order InvOrg="123" Identifier="2888147" >
                <SupplyDetails Type="TRACK" Quantity="9" Demand="ONHAND" />
    <Order InvOrg="123" Identifier="2749622" >
                <SupplyDetails Type="TRACK" Quantity="142" Demand="ONHAND" />

In xslt 2.0, It can be achieved with the below code..

  version="2.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">

<xsl:output method="xml" indent="yes"/>

<xsl:template match="/First">

<xsl:template match="Second">
  <xsl:for-each-group select="Order" group-starting-with="Order[(position() -1)mod 3 = 0]">

          <xsl:copy-of select="current-group()"/>


My project uses only xslt 1.0, so i need to change the above logic to 1.0. How can i implement the same logic in xslt 1.0

It seems that your XSLT 2.0 code organizes the blocks in groups of three, which would produce 3 blocks (the last one containing only one element), but your desired result above has 2 blocks (the second with 4 elements). Which of the two results are you expecting?helderdarocha
Note also that your requested output does not have a root element.michael.hor257k
@helderdarocha - Result sample that i gave was not perfect but the xsl was.user3644942
@michael.hor257k- correct, Missed giving the root node but Marcus Rickert solution took care of that requirement as well.user3644942

1 Answers


The following XSLT uses a recursion to "iterate" over the orders and split of blocks of a configured size (e.g. 3).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <xsl:output method="xml" version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes" />

  <!-- set the elements per block -->
  <xsl:param name="block_length" select="3"/>

  <!-- initialize the "iteration" over the Order elements by selecting all
       of them as the "child_list" -->
  <xsl:template match="/First">
      <xsl:call-template name="split">
        <xsl:with-param name="child_list" select="Second/Order"/>

  <!-- handle a list of orders, split off the first three and then "iterate" over
       the remaining orders by recursion -->
  <xsl:template name="split">
    <xsl:param name="child_list"/>

    <xsl:if test="count($child_list) &gt; 0">
      <!-- split off the first three -->
          <xsl:copy-of select="$child_list[position() &lt;= $block_length]"/>

      <!-- handle the remaining entries by recursion -->
      <xsl:call-template name="split">
        <xsl:with-param name="child_list" select="$child_list[position() > $block_length]"/>



yielding this result

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <Order InvOrg="123" Identifier="3580456">
        <SupplyDetails Type="TRACK" Quantity="7" Demand="ONHAND"/>
      <Order InvOrg="Test" Identifier="3580457">
        <SupplyDetails Type="TRACK" Quantity="15" Demand="ONHAND"/>
      <Order InvOrg="123" Identifier="3580458">
        <SupplyDetails Type="TRACK" Quantity="17" Demand="ONHAND"/>
      <Order InvOrg="123" Identifier="3580459">
        <SupplyDetails Type="TRACK" Quantity="10" Demand="ONHAND"/>
      <Order InvOrg="123" Identifier="2888144">
        <SupplyDetails Type="TRACK" Quantity="3" Demand="ONHAND"/>
      <Order InvOrg="123" Identifier="2888147">
        <SupplyDetails Type="TRACK" Quantity="9" Demand="ONHAND"/>
      <Order InvOrg="123" Identifier="2749622">
        <SupplyDetails Type="TRACK" Quantity="142" Demand="ONHAND"/>

I would assume that this solution has a small portion with complexity O(n*n) with n being the initial number of orders so you may run into performance problems with huge order numbers.