I'm working on the documentation of a component using Doxygen and I want to include UML
diagrams in between the text.
I know how to do most of it, as I simply need to copy the .tuml
source into my .dox
file and run doxygen
. However, one of my diagrams is a class diagram that includes other .iuml
files, like explained in the PlantUML site.
So, basically, I do:
@mainpage main_page MyDoxygen
!include iuml_files/Class01.iuml
!include iuml_files/Class02.iuml
MainClass <|-- Class01
MainClass <|-- Class02
Long story short, I don't know how to make Doxygen understand it must look for the .iuml
files in the directory (relative path) I'm giving as argument to the include directive.
If I wasn't clear enough as to what I need, please let me know and I will try make it clearer.
Can I please get some help?