I'm integrating Amazon SES SDK in my iOS app. I have recently observed that, I'm unable to send mails from a verified email address. if I switch to US_WEST_2 region. The problem seem to be with iOS SDK, as I'm able to send mail from Amazon Console using same mail address.
Error Message: exception={SESMessageRejectedException { RequestId:70ed2e9e-dc16-11e3-89ca-956987a01a60, ErrorCode:MessageRejected, Message:Email address is not verified. }}, errorCode=MessageRejected}
Code: SESManager class:
SESSendEmailRequest *ser = [[SESSendEmailRequest alloc] init] ;
ser.source = strSenderMailAddress;
ser.destination = destination;
ser.message = message;
SESSendEmailResponse *response = [[AmazonClientManager ses] sendEmail:ser];
+(AmazonSESClient *)ses
[AmazonClientManager validateCredentials];
return ses;
if ([AmazonClientManager hasCredentials]) {
[AmazonClientManager clearCredentials];
ses = [[AmazonSESClient alloc] initWithAccessKey:[Lockbox stringForKey:kLockboxAmazonAccessKey] withSecretKey:[Lockbox stringForKey:kLockboxAmazonSecretKey]];
ses.endpoint = [AmazonEndpoints sesEndpoint:@"https://email.us-west-2.amazonaws.com"];