For the last two days I'm trying to push my application on Azure but I'm facing problems about the Symfony 2.4 deps (with composer). The main error is :
symfony/icu v1.2.1 requires lib-icu >=4.4 -> the requested linked library icu has the wrong version installed or is missing from your system, make sure to have the extension providing it.
I saw on the internet that the problem could be about the php_intl extension not loaded. So after hours I managed to get it by creating a bin\ext\php_intl.dll in my root directory (the documentation does not mention the ext subdirectory, and it was not working for me when I put the intl into the bin directory).
- Internationalization support enabled
- version 1.1.0
- ICU version 49.1.2
- ICU Data version 49.1.2
But I always get the same error. Do you have any idea about this?