
I have a project where composer is used to install Nette Framework and one private package hosted in private composer repository.

Project's composer.json:

"require": {
    "php": ">= 5.3.7",
    "nette/nette": "2.1.*",
    "myrepo/private-package": "*"
"minimum-stability": "dev",
"repositories": [
        "type": "composer",
        "url": "http://myrepo.org"

Private package's composer.json:

"require": {
         "php": ">= 5.3.7",
         "nette/nette": "2.2.*"

As you can see the project requires Nette 2.1.*. The Private package, however, requires Nette on version 2.2.*.

If I run composer install, Composer installs 2.2.* version of Nette. That doesn't comply the project's composer.json (which requires 2.1.*).

I understand both requirments can't be fulfilled. But why composer doesn't print out an error then? Do private repositories have some kind of priority?

Are you sure that you are installing the most recent commit of "dev-master"? That branch once was version 2.1.x, and if your local composer.lock references a commit from the pre-2.2 development times, the version requirement would be fulfilled without complaint. But again this is another example of why using branches in Composer is not the best idea.Sven
Indeed it is the most recent commit. I always delete composer.lock, the whole vendor folder and composer's cache, but this still happens.tsusanka
Btw if I change the second requirment to 2.2.* it is still used instead of the project's 2.1.*. I'll edit the question accordingly, it's better example than with dev-master.tsusanka

1 Answers


This was a bug and is now fixed.