I'm using a server with a CPU Intel Xeon (E5-2620) , a Intel MIC (5110P), and a GPU Nvidia K20m.
My OpenCL code was able to see each of the devices of each platforms (Nvidia and Intel).
For some reason I now can see only the Intel devices.
What i can't figure is i compile my code using Nvidia OpenCL libraries.
The content of the /etc/OpenCL/vendors/nvidia.icd file is correct.
In my code I explicitly specify the Nvidia library for OpenCL.
It seem our admin reinstall or update the driver, since then it does not work anymore.
I also tried the test code clInfo.c and got the same issue.
Here is how I built it:
gcc -w -lOpenCL clInfo.c
The output looks like that:
./a.out: /usr/lib64/nvidia/libOpenCL.so.1: no version information available (required by ./a.out)
Found 1 platform(s).
platform[0xa69cc0]: profile: FULL_PROFILE
platform[0xa69cc0]: version: OpenCL 1.2 LINUX
platform[0xa69cc0]: name: Intel(R) OpenCL
platform[0xa69cc0]: vendor: Intel(R) Corporation
Can someone shed light on this?
Thank you.
? What has changed about your configuration to cause it to spontaneously stop working? – Tom Fenech