A sitecore instance was recently upgraded from 6.1 to 6.6. There was an upload command that opened a custom xaml dialog. This had an upload button on it which would open another modal with:
UploadPackageForm.Show(MyConstants.FolderPath, true);
While testing some points of functionality across the site I ran into an error while using this uploader saying that the file being uploaded needs to be a zip file. I'm guessing that somewhere along the way from 6.1 to 6.6 the package uploader was given a check for the file type being uploaded. I've been looking around for dialogs that sitecore comes with that I may be able to use. These look promising:
I can't seem to get the file path from this one although I think I could set a property on args passed into the OnOK event which I will try tomorrow.
I'm not sure how I would show this one:
Another option is to try making a custom dialog. Any thoughts and ideas are appreciated.