
I'm not new to iOS development and although not to stackoverflow but I have a question regarding the following picture/animation.


Does anyone know how this could be done in iOS?

It must be a tableView, since there is a scollbar at the right. Maybe it's a headerView or a customView on top of the tableView and the tableView insets are set .. I really don't know ..

The app is called TuneIn ..

Can anybody help please and bring my sleep back it's bugging me for days.. :D

Do you found a solution for that. I'm looking for exactly the same..Urkman

1 Answers


Your image is not opening in Chrome for some reason, but if you're looking for parallax effect - you basically need to listen to UIScrollViewDelegate in your view controller.


There is a method called scrollViewDidScroll: which gets called after each content offset changes in the scroll view. You need to implement it and adjust your background view position based on desired algorithm.