I have a backbone model set up where it uses a single itemview and template to display to the end user.
However, I have added a new attribute into the model, and based on the value of this new attribute I would like to use the correct template/itemview.
My backbone code is below:
InfoWell = Backbone.Model.extend({});
InfoWells = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model : InfoWell
InfoWellView = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({
template : "#template-infowell",
tagName : 'div',
className : 'alert alert-custom',
initialize: function () {
this.$el.prop("id", this.model.get("datetime"));
InfoWellsView = Backbone.Marionette.CompositeView.extend({
tagName : "div",
id : "info-well-list",
template : "#template-infowells",
itemView : InfoWellView,
MainJs.addInitializer(function(options) {
var aInfoWellsView = new InfoWellsView({
collection : options.InfoWells
var InfoWells = new InfoWells();
So, somewhere (in the compositeview?) I need to say something alone the lines of:
if (this.model.get("infotype") === "blog") {
// use different template (#template-blogwell)
Is this possible? Can I define two templates in my itemview and choose the correct on there, or do I need two itemviews and I say in my compositeview which one to use?
Thank you!