I have created a module for opencart.Now i have to change some default template files and php file so i used VQMOD .Now VQMOD Manager is running correctly but not adding the script that i have added.
Sample code below.
<file path="admin/controller/common/" name="header.php">
<search position="after">
<![CDATA[$this->data['text_zone'] = $this->language->get('text_zone');]]>
$this -> data['text_design_category'] = $this -> language -> get('text_design_category');
$this -> data['text_rawproduct'] = $this -> language -> get('text_rawproduct');
$this -> data['text_font'] = $this -> language -> get('text_font');
$this -> data['text_color'] = $this -> language -> get('text_color');
$this -> data['text_screen_color'] = $this -> language -> get('text_screen_color');
$this -> data['text_productdesigner'] = 'Product Designer';