
I have the following script template:

<script id="template" type="text/x-jsrender">
        <input data-link="FirstName" type="text" />


I fire jsView with the following command:

$.templates("#template").link("#result", model);

Where model is js object

function myModel() {
    this.FirstName = "";

Unfortunately, link command casues error:

TypeError: elem.dispatchEvent is not a function

What could be wrong?

use jquery noConflict modeDhaval Marthak
I've tried, but it didn't help. The same error were throwed.user2160375

1 Answers


Could it be the way you are constructing your model?

For instance, this doesn't work (fiddle):

function myModel() {
    this.FirstName = "",
var model = myModel();
$.templates("#template").link("#result", model);

But this works (fiddle):

var model= {
    FirstName : "",

$.templates("#template").link("#result", model);

As does this (fiddle):

function myModel() {
    this.FirstName = "",
var model = new myModel(); //<---the new keyword makes the difference
$.templates("#template").link("#result", model);