When I tried to deploy Jenkins.war file in Tomcat7.0.1 server I was able to deploy it without any hassle and i am able to access Jenkins with local:8080/jenkins/ URL. In the above case, I did not had any other application already deployed.
But When I tried to deploy the same Jenkins.war in another tomcat server with version 6.0 which had already running web applications did not gave any error during deployment, but i was not able to access jenkins with the URL - localhost:8080/jenkins/ and neither the application was appearing on the web console as deployed, but the exploded war was found under the tomcat folder /webapp
I searched for solutions and got some hints pertaining to port number issue but did not clearly got what need to be done.
References made:
How to configure Jenkins to run on port 80 (Not really getting what is being mentioned over here)
https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Starting+and+Accessing+Jenkins (Does not relates to Tomcat Server)
https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Tomcat (Provides great details in relation with Tomcat)