
before changing tabsafter changing tabswhenever view disappears for the first time, contentview's center changes. I have not written a single line in viewWillappear or viewWillDisappear or viewDidAppear or viewDidDisappear. Please help.. Thanks in advance...

You might want to add some more information: are you building your viewController with Interface Builder,is this happening in iOS7 only, do you show any navigation bars (and if so: are they translucent or solid)...Rok Jarc
For example: does this question match your symptoms?Rok Jarc
actually i am using a tabBarController and when i change the selected tab of the tabBar controller, icarousel view's vertical center changes.user2534255
You might want to add this information together with some screenshots to the question - more chances of getting a good answer this way since it will be easier for others to understand your problem.Rok Jarc
i have updated my question..user2534255

2 Answers


I think this is not the problem of icarousel view but it seems you are using UINavigationController in a wrong way because your view is shifting by 44 pixel that must be a problem of Navigation Bar not icarousel.


It seems like a problem due to the new iOS 7 and it's impact on UIScrolViews.

Have you tried setting self.automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets = NO ?

But I would strongly suggest, if your min SDK is iOS6, use UICollectionView for your coverflow. Here is even a project on github for UICollectionView Coverflow