When I have errors in my form, it seems that my @repeat field will be repeated as many times as there is different form input into the @repeat block.
@inputText(formUser("birth"), 'label -> "Birth", 'placeholder -> "Birth", 'class -> "datepicker")
@repeat(formUser("places"), min = 1) { stayField =>
<div id="groupLocationField">
@select(formUser(stayField.name.toString + ".place.id"), options(Place.options), 'label -> "Places", '_default -> "--- Choose a country ---")
@inputDate(formUser(stayField.name.toString + ".startDate"), 'label -> "Start Date", 'placeholder -> "Start Date")
@inputDate(formUser(stayField.name.toString + ".endDate"), 'label -> "End Date", 'placeholder -> "End Date")
In my case, when my Birth input is wrong I will have each stayField displayed 3 times.
Anyone has encounter this issue ?
EDIT: Example: https://github.com/milkeg/PlayFramwork/tree/master/repeatField
EDIT 2: I started this discussion on the Play Framework forum: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/play-framework/eE2bpHMVDDg