I am trying to configure Windows Service Bus (1.1) using Service Bus Configuration Wizard. I am getting below error when I try to configure it. Can anybody tell me what is the problem.
[Error] [5/9/2014 9:32:40 AM]: System.Management.Automation.CmdletInvocationException: Starting service Service Bus Gateway on machine USHP2-10-056A failed: Time out has expired and the operation has not been completed. ---> Microsoft.ServiceBus.Commands.Common.Exceptions.OperationFailedException: Starting service Service Bus Gateway on machine USHP2-10-056A failed: Time out has expired and the operation has not been completed. ---> System.ServiceProcess.TimeoutException: Time out has expired and the operation has not been completed.
Please see below for Configuration Information of Service Bus
Management Database SQL Instance USHP2-10-056A\SQLSERVER2012SP1
Enable SSL connection with SQL Server instance False
Authentication Windows Authentication
Management Database Name SbManagementDB
Gateway Database SQL Instance USHP2-10-056A\SQLSERVER2012SP1
Enable SSL connection with SQL Server instance False
Authentication Windows Authentication
Gateway Database Name SbGatewayDatabase
Message Container SQL Instance USHP2-10-056A\SQLSERVER2012SP1
Enable SSL connection with SQL Server instance False
Authentication Windows Authentication
Message Container Database Name SBMessageContainer01
RunAs Account gopalac-c@HERBALIFECORP
RunAs Password *******
Certificate Generation Key ******* (Gopala123)
Farm Certificate Auto-generated
Encryption Certificate Auto-generated
HTTPS Port 9355
TCP Port 9354
Message Broker Port 9356
Resource Provider HTTPS Port 9359
Amqp Port 5672
Amqps Port 5671
Internal Communication Port Range 9000 - 9004
Enable firewall rules on this computer True
Administrators Group BUILTIN\Administrators
Registering container databases SBMessageContainer01 SBMessageContainer02 SBMessageContainer03
Creating Namespace ServiceBusDefaultNamespace
Management Portal Admin User adminUser
Management Portal Tenant User tenantUser