
I am trying to configure Windows Service Bus (1.1) using Service Bus Configuration Wizard. I am getting below error when I try to configure it. Can anybody tell me what is the problem.

[Error] [5/9/2014 9:32:40 AM]: System.Management.Automation.CmdletInvocationException: Starting service Service Bus Gateway on machine USHP2-10-056A failed: Time out has expired and the operation has not been completed. ---> Microsoft.ServiceBus.Commands.Common.Exceptions.OperationFailedException: Starting service Service Bus Gateway on machine USHP2-10-056A failed: Time out has expired and the operation has not been completed. ---> System.ServiceProcess.TimeoutException: Time out has expired and the operation has not been completed.

Please see below for Configuration Information of Service Bus

Management Database SQL Instance USHP2-10-056A\SQLSERVER2012SP1

Enable SSL connection with SQL Server instance False

Authentication Windows Authentication

Management Database Name SbManagementDB

Gateway Database SQL Instance USHP2-10-056A\SQLSERVER2012SP1

Enable SSL connection with SQL Server instance False

Authentication Windows Authentication

Gateway Database Name SbGatewayDatabase

Message Container SQL Instance USHP2-10-056A\SQLSERVER2012SP1

Enable SSL connection with SQL Server instance False

Authentication Windows Authentication

Message Container Database Name SBMessageContainer01

RunAs Account gopalac-c@HERBALIFECORP

RunAs Password *******

Certificate Generation Key ******* (Gopala123)

Farm Certificate Auto-generated

Encryption Certificate Auto-generated

HTTPS Port 9355

TCP Port 9354

Message Broker Port 9356

Resource Provider HTTPS Port 9359

Amqp Port 5672

Amqps Port 5671

Internal Communication Port Range 9000 - 9004

Enable firewall rules on this computer True

Administrators Group BUILTIN\Administrators

Registering container databases SBMessageContainer01 SBMessageContainer02 SBMessageContainer03

Creating Namespace ServiceBusDefaultNamespace

Management Portal Admin User adminUser

Management Portal Tenant User tenantUser

You can check the event viewer for any additional clues on what could be wrong. You can find the service bus logs under Applications and Services Logs and then expand the Microsoft-ServiceBus node.Thomas

3 Answers


Look in \Windows\System32\drivers\etc and edit the hosts file - In my case I noticed that I had localhost defined more than once. Even though they were all set to it still seems to have confused the Service Bus config.

I removed the duplicates and then it worked.


I lost 2 days on this.

My issue.

I had previously (months before) installed and was running RabbitMQ.

This guy gave me the hint:


Make sure you uninstall all previous versions of the Windows App Fabric on your development machine. Additionally, disable any windows service that utilizes the AMQP protocol (RabbitMQ). If you do not disable RabbitMQ then the Service Bus will not be able to start up. Finally, make sure you have SQL Server Express 2012 installed. In regards to SQL Server, make sure to enable TCP/IP protocol; this can be done using the SQL Server Configuration Manager tool.

Once I stopped all RabbitMQ service, I was able to complete the installation.

Sidenote : I used a domain-account. I was connected to my domain-network while doing the install. I did not try with a local-account after I got my issue resolved.


Other links I found along the way (besides this one).




Things you’ll need to be aware of for local Service Bus installation: If you are in a workgroup you must use local users, if you are in a domain you must use domain users. If you are on Windows 10 with an AAD user your machine is probably in a workgroup. reference If you have VS 2015, you need to install a fake Microsoft.Cloud.Common.AzureStorage assembly. You must use Nuget package WindowsAzure.ServiceBus or older. You must address your Service Bus connections using your full machine name not a short name or something like localhost Hopefully this saves someone hours of frustration


I got it working with the following procedure:

before install


  • Open configuration Wizard and select "Leave Farm"

  • Delete all the Service Bus related databases in SQL server

  • Uninstall Service Bus 1.0 and Windows Fabric

  • Remove the folder 'C:\ProgramData\Windows Fabric' if it exists

  • Remove the folders 'C:\Program Files\Service Bus' and 'C:\Program Files\Windows Fabric' if it exists

Reinstall the product:

  • Run "Microsoft.ServiceBus.ConfigWizard.exe" as admin (right-click 'run as admin')
  • Choose 'with custom settings'
  • Set the 'Internal communication port range' to any unused port (not the default 9000, which is often used)