It is easy to the draw a Venn diagram with the following code:
set.seed(1) # For reproducibility of results
xx.1 <- list(A = sample(LETTERS, 15), B = sample(LETTERS, 15),
C = sample(LETTERS, 15), D = sample(LETTERS, 15))
venn.diagram(xx.1, filename ="1.tiff", height = 1000, width = 1000)
But how do I figure out the items in each field? For example, I would like to know what are the two letters only found in A?
Here is my solution, it is not perfect but could give all the intersections.
## data
A <- data.frame(names = sample(LETTERS, 15), A = 1)
B <- data.frame(names = sample(LETTERS, 15), B = 1)
C <- data.frame(names = sample(LETTERS, 15), C = 1)
D <- data.frame(names = sample(LETTERS, 15), D = 1)
## a merged data frame.
xx.1 <- list(A = A, B= B, C= C, D = D)
xx.2 <- merge_recurse(xx.1)
## function
ff.vennFourItems <- function(X)
## get the items from venn diagram; for four sets, there are 15 fields;
vennItems <- list()
cate.n <- names(X)[2:5]
for (i in 1:15)
xx.b <- intToBin(i)
## make it four bits;
if (nchar(xx.b) != 4)
xx.b <- paste(paste(rep("0", 4 - nchar(xx.b)), collapse = ""), xx.b, sep ="")
xx.b.1 <- unlist(strsplit(xx.b, ""))
xx.1 <- X
if(xx.b.1[1] == "0") { xx.1 <- xx.1[[, 2]), ] }
else { xx.1 <- xx.1[![, 2]), ] }
if(xx.b.1[2] == "0") { xx.1 <- xx.1[[, 3]), ] }
else { xx.1 <- xx.1[![, 3]), ] }
if(xx.b.1[3] == "0") { xx.1 <- xx.1[[, 4]), ] }
else { xx.1 <- xx.1[![, 4]), ] }
if(xx.b.1[4] == "0") { xx.1 <- xx.1[[, 5]), ] }
else { xx.1 <- xx.1[![, 5]), ] }
chipC <- paste(paste(cate.n, collapse = "#"), xx.b, sep = "***")
if (dim(xx.1)[1] == 0)
xx.2 <- list(genes = dim(xx.1)[1], chipC = chipC, chipCN = i, detailChipS = xx.1, shortL = data.frame(genes = "noInteraction", cl = i, fullCl = chipC))
xx.2 <- list(genes = dim(xx.1)[1], chipC = chipC, chipCN = i, detailChipS = xx.1, shortL = data.frame(genes = as.character(xx.1[, 1]), cl = i, fullCl = chipC))
vennItems <- c(vennItems, list(xx.2))
xx.3 <- ff.vennFourItems(xx.2)
List of 15
$ :List of 5
..$ genes : int 1
..$ chipC : chr "A#B#C#D***0001"
..$ chipCN : int 1
..$ detailChipS:'data.frame': 1 obs. of 5 variables:
.. ..$ names: Factor w/ 25 levels "A","B","E","F",..: 25
.. ..$ A : num NA
.. ..$ B : num NA
.. ..$ C : num NA
.. ..$ D : num 1
..$ shortL :'data.frame': 1 obs. of 3 variables:
.. ..$ genes : Factor w/ 1 level "Z": 1
.. ..$ cl : int 1
.. ..$ fullCl: Factor w/ 1 level "A#B#C#D***0001": 1
$ :List of 5
..$ genes : int 0
..$ chipC : chr "A#B#C#D***0010"
..$ chipCN : int 2