
I am setting up rabbitMQ cluster on 2 nodes -- node1, node2. and try to make node2 to join node1's cluster

what I did is following : 1, install rabbitMQ (and Erlang) seperately on node1 and node2, 2, "rabbitmqctl stop_app" on node2, delete the .erlang.cookie and then copied .erlang.cookie from node1 to node2 3, "rabbitmqctl join_cluster --ram rabbit@node1", now I have connection error, "unable to connect to node rabbit@node2", cookie issue.

if I copy back the old .erlang.cookie generated by node2, I will have connection error to rabbit@node1, (which make sense, since I am supposed to copy node1's cookie to node2).

anything I am doing wrong here...


are the nodes reachable by name?Gabriele Santomaggio
yes. But I noticed that rabbitMQ clustering should only be used for machines in one location, which is not in my case. I am looking at rabbitMQ Federation, the problem with Federation is that it has direction. What I need is clustering with machines in different locationsuser3527917

1 Answers


In case you install the nodes on different machines you must make sure the machines are reachable.

in Linux: 1) update /etc/hosts on slave:

on master:

2) open tcp ports 1-20000 (or 1-65535) between the nodes This is usually the problem!

good luck!