While practicing for programming competitions (like ACM, Code Jam, etc) I've met some problems that require me to generate all possible combinations of some vector elements.
Let's say that I have the vector {1,2,3}, I'd need to generate the following combinations (order is not important) :
1 2
1 3
2 3
1 2 3
So far I've done it with the following code :
void getCombinations(int a)
for(int j=a;j<vec.size();j++)
Calling getCombinations(0); does the job for me. But is there a better (faster) way? I've recently heard of bitmasking. As I understood it's simply for all numbers between 1 and 2^N-1 I turn that number into a binary where the 1s and 0s would represent whether or not that element is included in the combinations.
How do I implement this efficiently though? If I turn every number into binary the standard way (by dividing with 2 all the time) and then check all the digits, it seems to waste a lot of time. Is there any faster way? Should I keep on using the recursion (unless I run into some big numbers where recursion can't do the job (stack limit))?
"I've met some problems that require me to generate all possible combinations"
- I have taken part in my fair share of competitions, and I don't think I've ever seen a problem where doing this would be the correct solution (i.e. efficient enough). You usually need to intelligently generate either a limited subset, just the correct ones, or just count them without generating them. – Bernhard Barker