I have been searching in the forum a solution for my problem but unfortunately I was not successful. I am quite green in bash; therefore I would really appreciate any suggestion ot link to previous question/discussions
I have two files:
Ada ada
Ada ada
Ada aidB
Ada alkA
Ada alkB
Ada alkB
AdiY adiA
AdiY gadA
NP_414557.1 insL1
NP_414559.1 mokC
YP_025292.1 hokC
NP_414560.1 nhaA
NP_414561.1 nhaR
NP_414562.1 insB1
NP_414563.1 insA
NP_414564.1 rpsT
I would like to compare file1 and file2 based on the second column. If the object is the same I would like to append the text in the column 1 in file2 relative to that specific shared entry in a third column in file1.
Expected output: file1
PhoB caiT NP_414580.1
PhoP caiE NP_414581.1
PhoP caiB NP_414582.1
Please consider the text reported just as example.
I am struggling with awk trying to adjust the code from a previouse question:
Compare two files of different columns and print different columns
awk 'NR==FNR{a[$1]=$2 ; next }$2 in a {$1=$1 FS a[$2]print}' file1 file2
Thank you very much in advance for your time and your help.
coming from? – fedorqui 'SO stop harming'file1
appear to have absolutely nothing in common, and your proposed output has nothing in common with either of them. Consider posting some example data that at least has a minimal chance of demonstrating what you are asking about... – twalberg