I have a web application that has some strange behavior where I can't really put my finger on. The core of my problem is that there is an inconsistent behavior in the values returned by my rest endpoints. When I start my application, my query returns the same values each time I call this endpoint. When I update an entity, my entity manager starts behaving oddly. Now my query starts returning different results. One time it returns old values instead of the values that are in the database or my result list contains proxies instead of objects (mixed).
I have validated that my @transaction methods are placed correctly and in my debug stack I see the transaction interceptor and the entity manager is created per request to the backend (so no guice persistence filter)
My feeling indicates that the problem lies in the session context. I have the feeling (but I can't really grasp it) that it reuses my persistence context over multiple requests.
I have put some frameworks together to make this all work. I use resteasy as jax-rs implementor. guice (4.0beta4) as cdi implementor and hibernate as jpa implementor. Because we need to use a provider when we inject the entitymanager (since the entitymanager is created each transaction), I have wrapped this in a EntityManagerProxy. This class implements the EntityManager interface and delegates all methods to provider.get().method().
public class EntityManagerProxy implements EntityManager {
private final Provider<EntityManager> entityManagerProvider;
public EntityManagerProxy(final Provider<EntityManager> entityManagerProvider) {
this.entityManagerProvider = entityManagerProvider;
private EntityManager getEntityManager() {
return entityManagerProvider.get();
public void persist(final Object entity) {
My guice module looks like this
public class OptiWEEEModule extends ServletModule implements Module {
protected void configureServlets() {
// JPA
install(new JpaPersistModule("myPU"));
I know this is a vague issue, but could someone help me in the right direction? This isn't really an issue I can provide a error message for.
edit: I now pin pointed the problem. With a profiler i looked an the entitycontext is reused by guice. This means it doesn't every time execute the query, but uses the existing entity manager, which should be created each time a @transactional annotation is passed.
that you get a new transaction, not a new EntityManager. The latter can handle few of those just as well. You don't show the "update" part of your proxy nor the webservices, so it's hard to say what's actually causing your issue. – mabi