I have 2 sheets. In one of the sheet (sheet1) I have 1 hyperlink with file address \sii\picture\as.jpg hyperlink is named "LINK". I need to re create this hyperlink without "formats" (background color and any of them). I need to do this using VBA.
when I try this I get an error
Localization = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Hyperlinks(1).Address
Sheets("Sheet2").Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Sheets("sheet2").Cells(2, 2), Address:=Localization, TextToDisplay:="LINK"
if I make something like
range (Cells(1,1)).select
range (Cells(1,1)).select
I get good hiperlink but this hiperlink have formated background and any things from first sheet, and my screen is blinking because excel is jumping between sheet1 and sheet2